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Tuesday, January 15

Next President?

So I just finished watching BET's What's In It For Us? Hillary Clinton & The Black Vote. I watched the one with Obama the other day. I do not want to get into a whole post about my feelings on politics, but i do want to encourage everyone to vote. Even if you do not feel that your vote matters, trust me it does in a big way. Your opinion, your voice is your greatest art. Use it. Regardless of who wins, we will hopefully have a Democratic President. It does not matter the President's skin color, or the President's gender, but what he/she stands for, and the ethics that lie behind that person. Read on what each President stands for and vote for the best person for the position. Maybe some things they say are bullshit, but in these situations you can only base your vote on the information given. I encourage you to watch the YouTube videos and see for yourself if you believe the words the Candidates are speaking. I think I've made my decision. I hope that whom ever our next President is, they intend on breaking the Black and White barriers, and making us 1 nation. America is so much more than Black & White. Among many other things I believe in, I have read all I can and I finally feel some what confident in my decision.
Here is a good website that I went to:

Peace yal!

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