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Sunday, February 3

The Power of Music

Isn't it amazing how a song can touch you? How a certain song can make you angry, sad, happy, or horny? Make you want to party or make you want to fight for something? A-list and I were mad zooted last night watching VH1's Nocturnal State when Coldplay's Trouble came on. We were just staring at the t.v. wanting to cry and shit. I'm sure everyone has heard this song at the end of a t.v. show or movie, but we had never listened to it fully. It is so beautiful and so sad. The piano is an amazing tool. The video is very fanciful, and the sound is kind of ethereal. Chris Martin's voice has this indescribable effect. The song is saying that he made such stupid mistakes and he hurt someone, and now he's tangled in this web because he never meant to hurt them. And we've all be there at one time or another. We were listening to the song (sober) and it was crazy how much it touched us. It made me suddenly so sad. It's outstanding the effect music can have on you. The way the lyrics or just the beat, the sound of the instrument(s), the voice, they all just touch your soul, your heart, your mind. You can't touch it back, but you feel it so powerfully. That is the power of music, it brings emotion. It's beautiful. Listen to Trouble here and check out more Coldplay, they're geniuses.

Peace yal!

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