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Tuesday, May 20

Love Is Dead

This is the title of the debut album of a brand new artist, Kerli. Her music is labeled alternative/pop/rock. Her first single Walking On Air has a very cool sound, with lyrics about over coming doubts to do what it is you believe you can do. The video is pretty creepy cool. Her music is kind of intense. check her out at
Her "about me" says:

At least I know that I am not doing music so I could pamper my ego with all the fake shit in the world. Like fame and money and admiration. These are dead values.
And what's the point of chasing this and being miserable inside. We are gonna die anyway. Yes we are. And the world will be gone and there will be nothing left.
Just silence. Like it never existed :)
So, why are u in this world?

sounds like a pretty deep girl

fucks with it!


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