Hello there, I found your website just now via google.
Anyways, I was curious if you would be interested in a 3 way link exchange. The result of this exchange would be more people viewing your blog .
All you need to do is link back to my website http://new-hiphop-songs.com with the anchor text "New Hip Hop Songs" and send me a email at brandonschlichter@gmail.com with confirmation.
Once I get this, I'll link to your blog from another one of my websites. This will benefit both our websites, and avoid any penalties from a link exchange. I don't mean to spam you or anything, however I was unable to find the webmaster or admin email address.
21-7 Magazine creates an environment for artists and art enthusiasts to expand their knowledge in every form. Art, to us, is any form of expression through any medium. Whether it is music, fashion, media, art, or culture, ceaseless passion fuels hard work. With so much to grasp and grind for, 3hrs of sleep is all we need.
In January 2008, Leslieann Santiago (Elle) and Alysia Mazzella (A-list) created 21-7 Magazine, for the artists who need 3hrs of sleep. 21-7 is a cultural art magazine for people so passionate about their aspirations, that sleep is no longer a priority. 21-7 began as a blog and within a year, developed a family, gained respect from many and created a site that would provide the who, what and where's of today's art community.
Thanks to the support and influence of the people we've met along the way, 21-7Magazine.com was possible. We dedicate this online magazine to every hard-working and expressive person focused on living their life, doing what they love, and genuinely enjoying every second of it.
1 comment:
Hello there, I found your website just now via google.
Anyways, I was curious if you would be interested in a 3 way link exchange. The result of this
exchange would be more people viewing your blog .
All you need to do is link back to my website http://new-hiphop-songs.com with the anchor text "New Hip Hop Songs"
and send me a email at brandonschlichter@gmail.com with confirmation.
Once I get this, I'll link to your blog from another one of my websites. This will benefit both our websites,
and avoid any penalties from a link exchange. I don't mean to spam you or anything, however I was unable to find the webmaster
or admin email address.
By the way, I love your blog!
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