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Wednesday, March 19

"The Boondocks" vs BET

Aaron McGruder’s hit comic show The Boondocks did a very controversial episode on BET called "The Huey Freeman Hunger Strike". It has been banned from going on air. The 20min show depicts BET's CEO Debra Lee to be a evil woman who's purpose of BET is to: "accomplish what hundreds of years of slavery, Jim Crow and malt liquor couldn’t - the destruction of black people." Freedom of speech should allow this video to be aired, however defamation of character has created a loop hole. McGruder has got some real points though. When it comes to Black Entertainment Television, I've heard a lot of mixed thoughts and feelings. But, I hope, and I'm sure BET will make some changes after seeing this. The episode may seem a little harsh, exaggerated, or as a misunderstanding of BET, but there are facts there. McGruder had something to say, so he said it. That's all it takes to provoke change.

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