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Monday, June 29

please don't ever let these people mislead you

These people protested in NYC this weekend. These people do not know God. They know nothing of Him. God LOVES EVERYONE! No matter how many times you sin, no matter if you love Him back or not, He Loves everyone and will always. Do not let the ignorance of people like this, who clearly can not read, or are reading a bible their Grandpa wrote, because they know nothing. There aren't many true things I know, but I know 100% that He loves us all.


A-LI$T said...

I dont feel like they were talking about "God" like that, i feel like the quotes were more symbolic....

MACK said...

These people are from the Westerboro Baptist Church out of Topeka, KS. They travel around the country protesting/promoting homophobia and anti-semitism. They also picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard, the guy who was assaulted, beaten and left to die. I'm pretty sure their signs are meant to be taken quite literally; fueled by hate and ideology deeply rooted in bigotry. Read more here:

MACK said...
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ELLE said...

tell em mack...i 4got 2 mention that they were the same assholes who protestested mathew shepards funeral. horrible human beings We'll be back soon. Can't fucking wait :)

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