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Thursday, July 23

"SWAGGER Terminator Hi Supreme" Hits NYC!!!

I remember ELLE posted these before and said she wanted them now she might have a chance. Heres a statement from complex mag

"Swagger’s Harajuku, Japan flagship put these Nike Terminator Hi Supreme Quickstrikes on sale over the weekend, and due to the hype surrounding the patent snake-skin-mint-chocolate chip stompers, Nike Sportswear has decided that they deserve to go global. On Saturday, July 25th these sneakers, designed by the Swagger team, will go on sale in European and American markets. For the U.S., that probably means 21 Mercer in New York and the Montalban in L.A.

If you live in the middle of the country, allow us to suggest the Acela.
The Terminator has been around since 1985, but due to the stiffer leather and extended tongue on these, the sneaker comes off as almost a “Terminator Super Hi”. The sneaker celebrates Swagger’s 10th anniversary, and it is sold with one mint, one chocolate sneaker per pair. Expect them to cost $140. Hit the jump for additional photos."

If anyone is gonna be on mercer saturday i say this with the most sincerity if you purchase these sneakers in a mens 9.5 i will personally come to you and give you $180.00 cash. I want these more then I want company during my lonely nights. JUMP for more pics

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