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Thursday, July 16

Melo-X & Mickey Factz @ S.O.B.S

Remember(Sex)avier was telling us about The Big Apple Show, well here's a live performance from our beloved Melo-X & Mickey Factz tearing down the stage, ow.


(SEX)AVIER said...

got that recorded shun
gonna post all the vids and pics tonight

Fresh 5 said...

I heard the joint was nice..didnt get to make it, but showed up at mommia lounge..shouts out to mickey for being a douche..!!

Loniii Ann said...


(SEX) said...

i wanted to hit the after party joint too but i was too tired and had a long drive back upstate, but jesse boykinss killed his set with stalley and cory came out and spit a freestyle something serious

Anonymous said...

lmaooo shout to mickey 4 being a We'll be back soon. Can't fucking wait :)

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