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Tuesday, December 8

Sade-Solider Of Love

UmmmmHmmmm, yes! Sade has finally released a song from her now anticipated album "Solider Of Love." Appropriately, the first single is titled "Solider Of Love." The production on this track is off the hook and her voice is back like it's hiatus was non existent. The track is almost six minutes long and the mixture of music and vocals is just enough to please the ear. It's so soothing. Maxwell had one of the best returns for an artist this year. At almost 51, I think Sade's return will lead her to the top next year when her album releases in February. Are you not a Sade fan? I challenge you to say no after listening to this track!

1 comment:

Juskish said...

at 50 she is still so damn gorgeous! We'll be back soon. Can't fucking wait :)

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