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Sunday, November 15

Kanye West... back with that crack!!! New track, I'm So Appalled, which is also our Music Blasting featured song for this new week. Make sure you check each week for a new track, which is located on the lower left hand side. I love it and but I also hate it, it's only 1m 50s. Glad to see the original Mr.West back it, although I was feeling the heartbreak Mr.West. All in all he's in my top 5!

* Picture of Amber & Kanye shopping it up in Rome, so cute!


Loniii Ann said...

shit is fucking ridiculous
gotta love ye!

(SEX)AVIER said...

apparently this verse is from one of the songs he did on diddy new album
but i like da shit
you see amber butt???? We'll be back soon. Can't fucking wait :)

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