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Wednesday, October 8

21-7 Talk: Political Party Debate

Dear Readers,
Let your voice be heard! Write a paragraph, of any length, explaining why you are a democrat or republican. Submit it to by October 12th! You may remain anonymous.

Why you chose your party
Do you like the candidates representing your party of choice
How will your party benefit America?
How long you have been supporting your party
Any other information you wish to include

My personal common knowledge on the Republicans is, they support tradition, they are very influential in the government, 90% of them are old, and they represent the minority of our nation, the wealthy. Democrats, on the other hand, consider change and bring new viewpoints. They represent the majority of our nation, the middle class. Democrats are down to earth, relatable, they care about the common person.

Jump to learn more about voting, America's voting techniques, and Democrat v Republican viewpoints

Dictionary definitions:
Democrat: Prioritize individual liberty and seek to minimize or even abolish the state. Democrats are libertarians, and agree on no single principle or set of principles. The proper role of government is described from a number of different metaphysical, epistemological, and moral viewpoints.
Republican: Someone who favors a republic; an anti-monarchist; Someone who favors social equality and opposes aristocracy and privilege; Of or belonging to a republic; Favoring a republic

To me, it's was never much of a choice. Democrats are the ones who connect- with me and the ones around me. Republicans are greedy, cold, grandpa & grandma's. And they need to take a class on how to be prudent!

After the last election, Bush v Gore, we all need to make sure justice is served and legitimate numbers are counted in the election. The voting technique that America uses is majority rule. Majority Rule requires one of the candidates to receive over 50% of votes in order to win an election. Electoral Votes are counted state-by-state, after the winner of the states are determined, the candidate with over 50% of wins. The Popular Vote is the actual number of people who voted for a candidate.

In 2004, neither Al Gore or George W. Bush won over 50% of votes. The troublesome state was Florida, ironically Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, is the governor.

>>>Gore won 266 electoral votes and 50,9932,335 of the popular vote.
>>>Bush won 271 of electoral votes and 50,455,156 of the popular vote.

Gore won 48.38% of the popular vote
Bush won 47.87% of the popular vote

Since neither of them won over 50% of the popular vote, neither of them won. Although, Bush won 50.37% of the electoral vote, so he won the majority vote, and remained to complete his second (and last) term being president of the United States of America.

So who truly won? There is, obviously, something seriously wrong with America's voting technique. Every vote should be counted individually; Not state-by-state, because then it can be controlled. Surprisingly, Gore did not cause too much of an uproar. No doubt in my mind, Money, Power, Respect shut his mouth up.

In America, there are so many perks and so many downfalls. But that's life, right? If only money wasn't such a determining factor in the happiness of our lives. While voting, make a mature, deeply thought decision. This is OUR future, compare & contrast the candidates, do your research, and allow your conclusions to control your vote.


MACK said...

Look at our A-lister politicin'!
Get it!

21-7 Magazine said...

Write in! Speak your mind!


21-7 Magazine said...

FREEDOM - LIBERTY - JUSTICE We'll be back soon. Can't fucking wait :)

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