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Wednesday, October 15

Don't be so proud of Beyoncé!

Ut-oh! Beyoncés in trouble! Guess she's not clean enough to lick after all...

Peep original post here

Beyonce's father allegedly bullied original writer of 'If I were a boy' B.C. Jean

"Last week, I raved and raved about Beyonce’s new single, "If I Were a Boy." Remember? I thought it was the best thing she’d ever done, and was amazed that she’d even found the material.

Well, guess what? The story behind "If I Were a Boy" is absolutely scandalous. It also explains my question of why this single missed the Grammy deadline of Sept. 30, since it was ready to go at least three weeks ago. The answer: it was held up by endless legal wrangling since, in the long hallowed tradition of the music business, the young woman who wrote the melody and lyrics for "If I Were a Boy" had no idea Beyonce had even recorded her song until a stranger called with the news. By then, it was too late..." Read More

1 comment:

ELLE said...

of course...those stage parents are the worst! We'll be back soon. Can't fucking wait :)

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