GAHHHH I love this show, is it sad that I quote it? I`m sorry but I am a reality tv show junkie, but that's another post =p Today is the season finale of Jersey shore. If you haven't been watching it can I ask... WHY?! It is suuuch a guilty pleasure omg!
Basically its 7 people living in a house on the Jersey shore. They go out every night , have hook ups, fight, yada yada! SO much better than the Real World. A lot of people have agreed that MTV has stepped up their game with this show. My fav cast member is Snooki, she's a tiny little thing that can party hard. Oh and Jwowww, she punches everyone *thumbs up*
If you have nothing to do today you should tune in MTV tonight at 10pm and watch the fckery with me =)
i heart u kay, but come on! turn that shit off!
i watched this for the first time last night. one episode. I think the real world is better lol
I like to watch fuckery on tv elle :(
@juskish what?! giiirl NO WAY.
hahahahaha maybe i needed more episodes
YEAH watch it but lmao Elle is right w the point she made up there...
I watched it once.
I can't keep up with seasons and shows.
i love real world/road rules challenge with all my heart. its a competition! with drama! lol i dont watch the real world anymore. shit sucks
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