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Friday, October 10

Gay Marriage legal in CT

The Connecticut Supreme Court reversed a lower court ruling today which banned gay marriage in the state, and claimed that civil-unions offered the same rights to couples as marriage, according to The New York Times. This makes Connecticut the third state in the country to legalize gay marriage, behind California and Massachusetts. The NY Times says that the court found that “the state had failed to provide sufficient justification for excluding same-sex couples from the institution of marriage.”

This is a HUGE development for gay and lesbian couples in the state, who have been fighting for equal rights for quite some time now. My prediction is that more states will follow CT, CA, and MA's lead, and start working with lawmakers to give gays and lesbians the same marital rights given to heterosexual couples. This isn't an argument over who's right or wrong--these are people, WE are all people. Limiting a couple's rights based on what you believe to be the definition of "marriage" is no different than denying a woman the right to vote because 'it's not her place in society', or excluding a racial minority group from a restaurant. Your lifestyle decisions are yours and yours alone, but--support love and support each other, ya'll.

Big up's to CT!

1 comment:

A-LI$T said...

yayyy for equality! We'll be back soon. Can't fucking wait :)

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