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Monday, August 11

Bernie Mac: A Tribute

One of our most prized American comedians, Bernie Mac, passed away over the weekend. Bernie! How could you do this to me?! Jesus, por que? I'm distraught. This is severely depressing! Bernie got me through so much. Plus, who DOESN'T love the Bernie Mac show?! Late Registration wouldn't be the same without Mr. Mac, agreed? His voice, and his jokes are not only hilarious but easily the most recognized, ever. He will be missed, so much! From sex to bastard children, black people, white people, pumpkin pie pussy, his sisters bad ass kids; NOBODY was safe from the brutal and hilarious honesty that defined this man. In his own words: I ain't scared of you mafuckas! In honor of the comedic genius, VIBE Magazine has collected what is in their opinion Bernie's top 10 most hilarious moments. Hit the
JUMP to check out one of my favorite performances, and then hit up the Vibe website for the rest! R.I.P. Bernie! We love you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i jus cannot believe it! i loveeee himmmmmmmmmmmmm We'll be back soon. Can't fucking wait :)

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