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Friday, August 29


Sen. John McCain chose Sarah Palin (Gov. of Alaska) as his VP running mate. What? Did he not spend like, 18 months bashing Obama because of his age/lack of experience? Palin has only been in office for two years. She's also younger than Obama. Is this a desperate attempt to try and snatch up some of Hilary's supporters? I mean, who the hell is this chick, anyways? Doesn't McCain's smile make the roof of your mouth itch? He looks like he plottin' something.


Anonymous said...

yeah McCain is competing not only with Barack as a person, but also as a vision of change.. so McCain knows he needs some kind of person on his side that represents change. but it doesnt matter cuz hes a fuckin republican!!! yuck!

Anonymous said...

yeah he's just trying to get the women votes...smh dirty politicians. We'll be back soon. Can't fucking wait :)

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