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Monday, August 25

Save The Assistants

Assistants make the world go 'round. There are ton's of famous assistants, and millions more unknown ones. Ones who deserve recognition and sadly will never get it. Invisibles. We see you, assistants! Whether you're an intern, secretary, somebody's bitch-- we love you. Save The Assistants is a blog dedicated to (you guessed it) assistants. It's filled with everything from assistant-abuse case stories, to advice, success stories to horrible and pretty embarrassing failures. This site is assistant-friendly! It even comes complete with a 'Favorite workplace distractions' list, perfect for those death sentence days when its just not possible to pay attention to your bratty boss, much less care. We've all been there! 21-7 loves assistants. We promise to never treat any of said assistants in the way that most do. Feel free to use that statement as blackmail. At your own risk, of course. Check out the site here.

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